Today in DeFi - Arbitrum Airdrop coming, Uniswap on BNB, Leveraged Trading, and More...

1 year ago 296

Arbitrum Token Coming

Arbitrum has announced its token will come in 7 days. You can check address airdrop eligibility at

Uniswap on BnB Chain

Uniswap is now deployed on the BnB chain with Wormhole as the designated bridge.

Free Web3 Domain Based on your Twitter Handle

Unstoppable Domain is a sponsor of Today in DeFi and a domain registrar that allows you to own domain names that represent your unique identity or brand on web3.

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Kava 13 Coming

The Kava 13 upgrade will enable Kava EVM 2.0 with performance improvements, bridging between Comsos-Ethereum, and better vault control for the DAO.

Stargate Unwinds Token Reissuance

Stargate ceased the plan to reissue the STG token. The cancellation is due to the threat of legal action from FTX liquidators, they considered a token reissue to a safe wallet a violation of 'automatic stay'.

MakerDAO Emergency Circuit Breaker

MakerDAO voted to introduce a debt ceiling breaker for collateral assets used to mint DAI, this allows the DAO to set the debt ceiling for individual collateral to zero quickly.

Protocol Upgrade, Leveraged Trading, and More…

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